Thursday, May 3, 2012

Canning and building

Pressure canning my first batch of raw pack meat! Huge pork loin cut into bite size pieces and 2 home grown brisket cut into pieces packed into quart jars. Now to wait for the canner to jiggle for 90 minutes then cool down completely so we can check out our work.

Then Katie and I have to make a solar oven.

May 3, 2012

When I got home from dropping Dakota and Callie off at school, Katie was coming in from bottle feeding the lambs and kids. Then Katie helped feed the rabbits this morning while I milked Elanore. We also have 7 new kits from Trixie. They are so cute, tiny little squiggles in a cloud of soft bunny fur.

Today is also the 13th anniversary of the May 3rd tornados that ravaged the Oklahoma City area and spawned 53 confirmed tornados. That evening we stayed at my parents house and ended up in their neighbors cellar for a while when the storms came into our area. Soon after we purchased and installed our own in ground storm shelter. Since then we have spent time in our shelter when tornado producing storms near and I am so thankful for having it available to protect our family and friends.

The question was posed on Facebook "what does modern homesteading mean to you?" 
For me it means being more self sufficient, by producing our own meats, milks, vegetables, and fruits. Eliminating commercially produced convience foods, by canning, freezing and dehydrating our own "fast" foods. We have a huge garden, lots of fruit trees, raise pigs for pork, chickens for the eggs, goats and sheep for milk and meat, rabbits for meat and income, horses for mowing and fertilizer as well as pleasure. I am teaching my children how to take care of the land, animals and preserve the bounty we are blessed with. 

May 2, 2012

What a day already! Got up late, dropped the bottle while feeding the kids and lambs, then Elanore kicked over the milk bucket and spilled half of the milk this morning. Did get my new stainless steel milk bucket, strainer, strip cup, bottle brush, and teat spray! Yeah!!! Going to bank for deposit then I think I'll go by Atwoods and pick up some more water bottles for the rabbits.

April 28, 2012

Baby had 5 kits on the wire, trying to keep them in the box now. Wondering if Baby needs to be culled from the herd? We'll see if she takes care of this litter and if she does we'll keep her, if not I'll try to sell her or freezer camp.

April 27, 2012

What an exciting day! Today Elanore gave almost a half gallon of milk. She stood calmly munching her feed then huffing at Remington. Katie helped out by bottle feeding the lambs and kids. Then while checking on the rabbits, we discovered 8 new kits! Daffodil pulled hair and had her kits last night on Tim's birthday. Beginning to look like the rabbits are going to kindle on important days with in our lives. :)

April 26, 2012

Yesterday we went to Locust Grove to bring home Elanore and her twins, Essie and Effie. Today Carlos shows everyone how to escape the pasture via the chicken coop by lifting the chicken wire out of the way.
So far Elanore and I are figuring out milking with me getting a great workout! Last night I managed about a pint of fresh milk and today maybe a whole cup, so far. I have separated Elanore and the twins, hoping to get more milk this evening.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bottle Goat Doelings

Last Thursday while perusing Craigslist, I came across a listing for a bottle doeling. I quickly shot off an email and waited, I didn't have to wait long. She called back, we chatted a little and she said that she actually had another doeling that she hadn't listed yet. Soon we were headed to meet them and see the doelings. We have had a few ups and downs, but I couldn't imagine getting rid of the cute little buggers. 
Rainey is now 2 weeks old and has learned the bottle. She loves to climb into my lap for feeding, then cuddles up after for a snuggling. 
Dolly is 4 weeks old and is more independent. She loves to climb EVERYWHERE! We had to move the doelings out of the rabbit area because Dolly was leading Rainey over the rabbit cages and then over the gate. 
The girls have their bottles then we go into the "pasture" to walk around and try to "meet" the other goats. Cinnamon, Carlos, and Oscar try their hardest avoid the babies, yet still figure out what the doelings are.